10 Days In A Madhouse (2015 Torrent

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10 Days in a Madhouse 2015 720p BRRip H264 AAC-RARBGFiLE SiZE: 1.33 GB MOViE iNFO Title: 10 Days in a Madhouse (2015)Genre: DramaRating: 7.1 (758 votes)Rated: RDirector: Timothy HinesWriter: Timothy HinesCast: Caroline Barry, Christopher Lambert, Kelly LeBrock, Julia ChantreyStoryline: In 1887, at age 23, reporter Nellie Bly, working for Joseph Pulitzer, feigns mental illness to go undercover in notorious Blackwell's Island a woman's insane asylum to expose corruption, abuse and murder.https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3453052/.

It's the first time that i want to write my opinion in a movie. When i started to watch the movie, i said to myself well,it's another great drama movie.

10 Days In A Madhouse (2015 Torrent

After i finished watching the movie, i didn't even dare to shutdown my lap before writing a review. 10 Days in a Madhouse is simply the best drama movie of the year because the movie was terrific,the acting was mesmerizing and the plot was impressively perfect.

This movie was beyond anything I'd imagined it to be. I had heard some great stuff about it and decided to watch it and I'm so glad I did.Kids will have fun watching this movie and learn valuable morals. Adults, on the other hand, will immensely enjoy watching this movie, will appreciate it for what it truly is and will understand its realmeaning. This movie is just absolutely amazing, the best I've seen all year!

Please watch it, you will not be disappointed. I've read the reviews written before writing my own, and I'm astonished by the low ratings and the reasons for that.

I didn't know the story, didn't know (anything about) Nellie Bly. But the movie showed all it had to. The movie might not be of the best quality, you might expect more given all the digital techniques these days.

But I kind of appreciate it, because it accentuates the time these things actually did happen. I've seen reviews which said that Christopher Lambert seemed to be there mostly to give the movie 1 known actor, and that Caroline Barry did not such a great job at playing faking a mental illness.

I don't agree on both statements. Lambert hadn't the main role, he simply had the role of the main physician. He showed a man who, I think honestly, tried to figure out how to help his patients, but got terribly confused about what's right and wrong in how to realize that.

Which has been sort of 'good practice' for a pretty long time in medicine. Barry played the main role, a woman who acts being mentally ill, in a time people hardly understood what mentally ill meant. Today's psychiatrist en psychologist would definitely not fall for the show she put on. We won't either. But back than? Don't forget, it's incredibly hard to fake a mental illness with our current knowledge, back than she could very well succeed with what Barry showed us on screen.

Mainly because that was what a lot of men those days would expect from a mentally ill woman. It is precisely that, what makes this movie a very catchy story that won't let go of you until the end. As a viewer I felt the unease, the emotions, the pressure, like it was choking me. The book and true story was fascinating, so I was looking forward to seeing the movie. Within the first 5 minutes, you might be able to forgive what your watching, like I did, willing it to get better. Truth is it's not worthy of B movie comparison, nor made for TV movies. It's the most bizarre film I think I've ever attempted to watch.

I couldn't watch it all, giving it 45 minutes to somehow improve.but it just got worse. The acting is worse than some am dram performances I've seen, cinematography, music, script, performances overall are so appallingly bad you can't quite believe what you're watching. If this film cost 12 million to make, then what a complete waste of money. Please don't waste your time. Read the book.

I had read articles about this movie saying the most amazing things. That this was Christopher Lambert's best part in ten years and that lead actress playing Nellie Bly was being praised for her performance by Hollywood insiders.

10 Days In A Madhouse (2015 Torrent

But I couldn't understand why all the user reviews I was seeing were that the film was awful. After seeing the movie I did a little bit more research and realized the articles are written by the producers themselves and contain no factual information whatsoever. The movie is horrendous. The lead actress playing Nellie is just not a good actor. She flares her nose when she's supposed to be angry and widens her eyes when she's supposed to be scared. Christopher Lambert wanders around the movie with not much to do and looking amused that he's the only known actor in the film. The rest of the cast, complete unknowns, do the best with what they're given as the script's dialogue is incredibly cheesy and unrealistic.


But a good number of them give cringe-inducing results. The movie itself is a hot mess. Some shots look very professional. Others look as if someone whipped out their iphone and started filming. Even an iphone might've produced better results. About 80% of the movie looked to be shot in real locations.

The other 20% is flatly in front of green screen. And it's not well-done green screen as it looks like each part of the film was pieced together little by little until something coherent came together. Don't waste your money on this garbage. This may honestly be the worst movie I've ever seen. I'm not exactlysure how I got through the entire 1 hr 50 minutes of it, but I did. Themovie is based off of a book written by Nellie Bly about her time spentin a mental institution. She was not insane, but rather was doing anexpose for the World News.The subject certainly sounded interesting, and there should have beenenough to make for a good movie but everything went wrong.

Have youever seen a TV show about a real life homicide, and even though it'sserious subject mater, you can't help but laugh at the horrible actingand production values. That describes this entire movie.The acting by all involved is so bad I had to check that this wassupposed to be a serious movie, not a joke.

I wouldn't say I could do abetter job, I couldn't, but I could do an equal job. Every line makesyou want to laugh, regardless of who is talking.The sets are outlandish. A giant boat takes the characters to theisland, with a whole 4 people on board. For some reason frames appearto be missing and the picture jumps. The sound, even though the actorsare clearly speaking English, appears dubbed.Long story short - Please don't let the good ratings fool you. Avoid atall costs. I have watched many independent or B-movies.

10 Days In A Madhouse (2015 Torrent Free

I have found that no matter how much money is at the disposal of the film makers, if they do not start out with a well written, well thought out screenplay.the film is doomed, no matter if every other department excels. The story here is interesting and unique and full of opportunities to deliver an outstanding cinematic experience but the screenplay fails to provide that important foundation. I did not like the voice over commentary of the female lead. She was speaking as if the experience was already over, as if she was reading parts of the article that she was to write after having been there. It would of been much more powerful, had they used the commentary to express her feelings about what she was going thru, as we witnessed it.

Since in reality, just the visual performances were insufficient. And That's pretty hard to mess up, since the story/circumstances were placed in a great setting and full of experiences that would of made an audience very invested/involved and come to care deeply about the characters. Yet, it just failed to deliver that. Visually or verbally. The acting, was below average to amateurish.

I didn't notice the score, and the editing was well done. The camera work sufficient. The plot a little slow and simple. The setting was good, the costumes (although not sure if accurate for period) seemed appropriate, and I did appreciate the manner of speech used as I understand it would be historically accurate. Problem with that accuracy tho, is that it only added to the detraction I already felt and kept me from really connecting with the characters.

Bottom line, it all felt 'aloof' to me. A great opportunity to share a part of history, that just dramatically missed the mark. Im hopeful that someone comes up with a well written screenplay based on this remarkable story and tries retelling this story again. This movie is OKAY. It wasn't a miserable and total fail.but I wouldn't recommend it unless you have nothing else to do, or you are particularly easy to entertain.

Bad production value, acting worse than in porn, camera work done by anamateur, bad editing and somebody managed to take a good story and turnit into a bad, cheesy, boring script. The lead actress has twoexpressions: smiling like a sheep and worried. Christopher Lambert atthe lowest point of his career and Kelly Le Brock, in a cameo, miscastas nurse in the 19th century with tons of plastic surgery and too muchmake up.

To make the movie look more expensive, they bought afterwardssome extra material of exteriour shots which are mismatched with therest of this amateur movie. It seems the director has lot of goodfriend writing good reviews for him. I'm not really sure how to rate this film, but feel compelled to write a review, for no other reason than to warn people what they are about to see.

The plot is interesting, but the movie feels like a high-school play. While it is a very important and amazing story that needed to be told, the production is abysmal. Only a 12 million dollar budget? OK, but, better acting alone would've made all the difference. The 10 star ratings are misleading; either fake, or written by Lifetime Movie lovers.

And what was with the Kelly LeBrock cameo?? (and bad) I agree with another reviewer who suggested you read the book. I plan to do that, as soon as I get the imagery from this rubbish out of my head. After reading Nellie Bly's article, 10 Days in a Madhouse, I waspleased to find out there was a movie to be made about it. I finallyhad the chance to see the movie and I can truly say that I enjoyed it.While the CGI effects may be sub-par to what we as an audience are usedto, it does not take away from the film itself. The story is solid andthe emotions it invokes are real.Caroline Barry is fantastic as Nellie Bly.

I feel that her portrayalwas spot-on and was intrigued by her from the start. She brings NellieBly to life and you find yourself cheering her on as she goes forth onher mission.10 Days in a Madhouse not afraid to explore the mistreatment of thewomen in the asylum. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the filmcovers almost all of what was in the article. To see what these poorwomen went through was sobering and also anger-inducing.

It makes meangry to think that these women were left there to be mistreated untilthey more than likely died.It might not be the greatest film in the world nor do I think it willbe winning an Oscar any time soon. While being a little rough aroundthe edges, I think it was still great, powerful and moving overall. I was so looking forward to seeing this and I knew that it was an independent movie made without a Hollywood budget.

However, nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see. First, hats off to Caroline Barry who did quite well considering what she was given.

She rose above the rest and seems to be the one actor who will possibly get recognized in the film industry. I wish her the best of luck. The same can be said for Christopher Lambert although some might consider his performance 'hammy'.

He was not just a villain and by the end of the movie I almost felt sorry for him. Unfortunately, practically all other acting was just unbelievably terrible. I can't stress that enough. It's really bad. Secondly, it was strange to see how some special effects (e.g.

The exterior shots of the city streets) looked absolutely fabulous and yet others, mainly the exterior shots of the asylum, looked poor. The biggest disappointment was how some sets were shot on location yet many looked fake. Like they were poorly green-screened or something. It was so distracting.

The sound was horrible as well. There was so much echo in almost every scene. The lighting was also bad so the picture quality suffered to varying degrees. The weirdest thing was that the picture looked jittery.

It looked like a few frames just suddenly dropped out so people were sometimes 'stuttering' as they moved. The sound was unaffected though. No skips or anything during these moments. Perhaps the most perplexing thing about the movie is the R-rating for 'disturbing scenes'.

The violence and atrocities lost all impact due to the overall amateurish production and bad acting. I just can't understand, given today's standards of movie classifications, how anything over PG-13 was given. In fact I could see a PG-rating being given before an R-rating. I just don't understand it. The budget is estimated at $12 million but it is definitely NOT seen on screen. My best advice would be to read the book and use your imagination.

This is one disturbing and shockingly intense movie! Film making at itsfinest.Little known reporter Nellie Bly shook up the world last century. Todaywhat she did going undercover would be no big deal. But she was thefirst person to do such a stunt.

This gal had courage. Huge courage.Bly deserves to be acknowledged and this movie does a great jobexpressing her first big stunt report job.Christopher Lambert from Highlander is running the madhouse! That's nota spoiler, if you're on this page you know he's in the movie. Worth going to the film to see on the big screen.Be warned: it's a bit of a chick flick. There are a few scatteredscenes of women bonding and in one they sing together. Upside, massivecuties.

Seriously, though, I loved this movie. Great cast and story. When I saw Christopher Lambert was in the movie and read the synopsis, I was under the impression that this was going to be a genre picture, but I was pleasantly surprise to discover the serious tone the movie takes.

10 Days in a Madhouse was actually a true event in which a young reporter named Nelle Bly starts her successful career in journalism by doing an article on the mistreatment of women at Blackwell's Asylum, by going undercover as a patient. 10 days in a Madhouse does a good job in showcasing this mistreatment. It was hard watching these women, who were not crazy when they entered the place, being treated like animals, by people who just don't care.

I felt the same way when I saw Suffragette, Another recent movie that is also about the mistreatment of women around the same time. Lambert actual plays a head doctor who thinks he's doing the right thing but is blinded by his own ego. Though his acting was not outstanding, this is most likely the most important film he has done. With the exception of Kelly LeBrook who has a small role in the film, It's a cast of fresh new actresses I have not scene before. If only the filmmakers were able to get a bigger budget for this movie to work out the kinks in the visual effects.

The CGI used to make New York in the late 1800s was very distracting, but still, the movie is so impressive for what seem like limited resources. It's an impressive effort in filmmaking.