A Trip To The Moon Script

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A Trip To The Moon Script 4,3/5 3205 votes

I watched the fantastic movie ' recently and there was one scene that stood out as it looked like the crew was considering making a one way trip and landing on the moon.The goes like this:NEWS ANCHOR (on TV)- The problem now is not there's so much question ofadequate oxygen supply but it is the rate of consumption ofwater which is vitally needed for the cooling operations tomaintain the electronic systems and so forth.FRED HAISE- Gotta tell you, I had an itch to take this baby downthough, and do some prospecting. Damn we were close.JIM LOVELL- Gentlemen, what are your intentions? I'd like to gohome. We got a burn coming up.

We're gonna need acontingency if we lose comm with Houston. Freddo, let's.let's get an idea where we stand on the consumables. Jack,get into the Odyssey and bag up all the water you can beforeit freezes in there. Let's go home.Faced with little chance of returning to Earth, Fred Haise and Jim Lovell seem to be thinking about giving up on the return and focusing on setting foot on the moon. Was this the case? $begingroup$ This is actually a good question. If it was, it would probably be found in the book 'Lost Moon: The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13' by Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger (sadly, id not not have a physical or electronic version I could search).

Since its not on the Air-to-Ground transmissions, it won't be in any of those transcripts. I would not dismiss it completely, since Apollo 10 was not fully fueled exactly so that landing was impossible and no temptation was given. $endgroup$–Feb 5 '18 at 10:18. They weren't actually considering it. 32 bit laptop games free download for pc. It's just one of those wishful thinking moments, or a joke to lighten things up. Furthermore, there isn't anything said along those lines in the. The time it would have been said was around 3:05:00.Also, they really couldn't have done so.

Moon script at the Internet Movie Script Database. This is someone who lives for vacations and travelling. I thought she'd jump at the chance for us to go away. What is widely considered the earliest example of the modern script was written for George Melies’ 1902 film, A Trip to the Moon. The silent film, groundbreaking for its originality and special effects was also important for its transformative use of story.

Trip To The Moon Movie

They had already used fuel from the descent stage. The amount wasn't huge, but it was a. They also hadn't orbited, which would have consumed a fair bit more fuel. In all, they would have had to use more fuel then the descent stage had to allow it to land, not even counting the fuel they had expended. At best, they could have landed using the ascent stage, which wouldn't have been very likely, as it wasn't designed to be used in that way.

And if they had landed, they would have had absolutely no chance of coming home. The stack of the SM (service module), CM (command module) and LM (lunar module) was on a free return trajectory to Earth. To get into an orbit around the Moon, the main engine of the SM was needed. But the SM was damaged by the explosion of the oxygen tank and no electric power was available in the SM. Some of the parts (tanks, valves, tubes, electric cables) needed for the main engine operation might been damaged.So without electrical control, the SM engine could not be used for lunar orbit insertion. If they had used the descent stage engine of the LM for lunar orbit insertion, not enough fuel would have been left for a soft landing on the moon.

The ascent stage could not be used for landing without separation of the descent stage with the landing gear mounted to it.The radar used for landing measuring distance, height and speed of descent was mounted to the descent stage, without that the landing would be impossible.For sources see. $begingroup$ I'm not sure it's as unreasonable as you make it out to be: the previous burn would have been. $begingroup$ @LorenPechtel Considering the national overtones of a Lunar death landing, and the fallout it would certainly cause to the space program as well as the national agenda, a one-way death trip to the Moon would not be something condoned by NASA or by any of the astronauts within its program. This idea of Lunar Death comes from is a movie script where the writers used artistic license to generate false yearning.

Trip To The Mars

The astronauts planned on returning alive. They wouldn't choose death. Not with the ground crew working to help them live. CO2 scrubber, telemetry, etc.

$endgroup$–Feb 6 '18 at 4:59. $begingroup$ @michburkejnr. In terms of remote control, the Apollo guidance computer could be place in remote control, but not forced remotely. So the crew could do whatever they wanted. What NASA could withhold was the navigation information to make lunar orbit/landing easy. They had the onboard systems and code to make an earth re-entry without outside support (for safety logically) but unsure if they could have done lunar orbit without a lot of hand work of trajectories, and they would have been without the precision navigation data derived from their transponder by DSN. $endgroup$–Apr 24 at 13:09.